Monday, May 5, 2008

XComponents Version 1.5

Version 1.5 of the XComponents is now available.

You can get them from the download page at :-

download XComponents.xlx here

This release includes two new components :-

XGlobe - a 3D interactive globe for plotting geographic KPI data
XScorecard - an extension of the XTreeGrid which adds a number of feaures including RGB markers to indicate performance of metrics

(see the model below for a sample)

also in v1.5 are fixes to the original components including :-
  • Issues with dynamic visibility have been fixed
  • Issues with binding errors with Flash Player 10 have been fixed
  • Tree based controls now handle nodes with multiple parents
  • Tree based controls now handle nodes with XML reserved characters
  • XProgressImage no longer gives errors on load with the debug flash player
  • Property sheets are cleaner with the addition of tabbed interface

XGlobe and XScorecard


Unknown said...

How can we get the XLX--the download link download many files none of which are a XLX

Tuhi said...

Can we store the position information of the globe on the sheet to be read by other components while integrating?


Donald MacCormick said...

@Tom - the link at the top of the downloads page is the one you want. It may download as a zip file, if so then rename to .xlx and you should be okay.

Donald MacCormick said...

@Pratik - not quite sure what you are trying to achieve, could you give me an exmaple ?

Raj said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Raj said...

XScorecard component is really useful, Suggestion: It will be really cool, if user can change the KPI image from star to their choice like circle, custome image or apply colors to whole cell

Unknown said...

Is there a way to edit the coordinates for the xglobe? It has the incorrect coordinates for the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Libya). The coordinates in the applet put it somewhere in Georgia, USA.

Donald MacCormick said...

There are two ways to change the location of markers.

1) send different description text through, the geolocation is doen directyl by Yahoo so wherever Yahoo places it that is where XGlobe places it, so try finding a description which works on yahoo maps

2) If you pass in a 3 by x range then XGlobe takes column 2 and 3 as the lat and long of the description in col 1

Hope that helps

Shawn and Julie Yates said...

In your bullet chart is there a way to reverse the order of the thresholds to go from a lighter color to a darker color to show an opposite threshold. I am using this to show income statement metrics such as revenue and cost of sales, but I dont want to show a low cost of sales as bad.

Vishal Venugopal said...

Excellent Components

Vishal Venugopal said...


We have developed an interesting component - Multi Color Column Chart which addresses the following:

Multi Colour Column Chart component lets you configure the colour of each bar/column based on color values stored in the database/excel sheet. This allows the colour of a specific data item to remain constant when the results change in the query result. In an Xcelsius standard PIE chart, the colour configuration is based on specific rows in the excel sheet. The user can only configure the colour for a specific row (red for 1st row, green for 2nd row). This limits the user to associate a particular colour to a particular data value in the data store. For e.g. The data values in the excel sheet for a specific period are ‘Apple’, ‘Orange’, ’Lemon’ and the respective colour codes assigned are ‘red’, ’orange’, ’yellow’ (based on the respective excel rows) and over a period new values like ‘papaya’, ’grapes’, ’guava’ get filled in the same rows(based on data set from the data store), the same colour code ‘red’, ’orange’, ’yellow’ will be displayed instead of the desired values ‘papaya green’, ’purple’, ’green’. With this component, user will be able to map the colour with a specific data value. For eg:, the user can add an additional column in the dimensional table to represent the colour code and hence the colour can be based on the actual values itself rather than on specific excel rows. Hence in the above example, ‘red’ will be consistently displayed for ‘Apple’, ‘Orange’ for ‘Orange’, ….

The Standard Xcelsius components do not allow step by step multilevel drill down feature like the web intelligence document. This is because the standard Xcelsius graph does a drill down on a data change event. For e.g if the requirement is to display country wise revenue while loading and then by clicking on a specific country column ‘India’, s/he would like to display the state level revenue in the same graph, it is quite very difficult to achieve this with the standard Xcelsius chart component through various workarounds. Multi Colour Column Chart allows drill down only when the user actually clicks on a column and not on a data change event. This enables the developer to build a dashboard with a step by step multi level drill down capability.

The current version supports only 1 type of insertion while drill down; the label type. The future releases will support rest of the insertion types.

Another cool feature in this component is the ‘Staggered Axis Label’. In the standard Xcelsius chart components, the axis labels get transposed to a vertical alignment in case of a long text, thus making it unreadable and reducing the graph area. In our component, the axis labels will be staggered in cases of long text and if it still needs more space a partial text will be displayed with dots. Moreover provisions are provided to make the margins configurable through spin buttons, thus allowing more readability of the axis labels.

Please visit -


Unknown said...

Hey Vishal,

Can't you use the alerter function to work with specific colors?
Use it with the Excel formulas.


Wannabe-Jazzer said...


regarding the XBulletChart. If we put a Max Treshold with the value 1 and we have the value of the progress bar with 2, the bar does not show up. Is there any workaround this?

thanks in advance.

Donald MacCormick said...


What do you want to happen if the bar exceeds the max threshold ?


Unknown said...

Xcomponents guys the Xgrid is awesome !!

but let me ask, how can I modify the text font size because XCelsius (I think) expand the font size, then the awesome grid doesn't look so good.

Can you helpme? and I'm creating my own charts with flex, do you have some place where I could share my first charts.

My email is

I wait for your answers, Thanks so much !

Eli said...


I`m using the XScorecard component but I found a problem that I don`t know how to solve. When I reference the columns withs to a group of cells stablishing an specific with for each column I see that reflected in the table while I'm in the edition panel but when i generate the preview all the columns have the same with. I mean, the total with of the table is divided equally between the different columns.
Is there anything i can do to solve this?
Thanks for your help!!!

Donald MacCormick said...


This is a known issue, I am working on fixing it along with other improvements to the XScorecard.

If you contact me at I can let you know when it is available.


Chip@OFM said...


I think these components are great and they may be useful for one of our applications. Are there any licenses or restrictions on usage? I would like to include these components in a demo for possible inclusion in a production application and my we need to make sure we have the right permissions, authorizations, etc.

Thanks for providing these components.


Chip@OFM said...


As I experiment with the XTree and XTreeGrid it would be nice and perhaps necessary for the components to have Appearance property selection capabilities to adjust text font, fontsize, background color, folder icon size, etc.

What are your plans for adding additional selection capabilities?


Nizzu Bhai said...

I am Using XScorecard v1.9, It is an excellent component.
Can you please let me know How to keep tree structure Expanded during the Initial load of the dashboard. As I am working for SAP demo team,one of the demo requirement expects this feature.

Thank you

Unknown said...

Dear blogger, can you share a new link for download Xcomponents? Because this link is no longer available, and I needed this component urgently. Please reply me. Thank you :)